It Continues: December 2011
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Those aren't Batons, Those are Airplane Parts!


      December was a short month.  I spend a lot of time preparing for my trip home to VA for Christmas.  In addition, I had a business trip.  Then finally, I was out of town from the 23rd through the end of the year.    I was only able to work a total of 9 days in the month of December :-/


Total Hours:               19.0

Hours Fabricating:       14.3

Fab Hours to Date:      34.9



I did not fabrication work this day, only a Quality inspection, stamping F08-08 with a QC-M, for Marginal


I QC'd the remaining finished parts.  Only 4 parts remain from the 1x1x1/8" Angle list.  I was hoping to be down this this bunch by Christmas, but, oh well.  It will soon be a New Year!


I completed F14-13 and F16-10


I printed out a drawing of F08-08 Flap Detent Angle to 3M-77 to the aluminum to cut out.  I completed the Flap Detent Angle, but later realized that my 1:1 drawing was a little bit off in a couple of places.  I do not yet know if the error is critical or not.  I will more than likely remake the part, but it might be ok.


I completed F14-02 with the exception of inspection and cut F14-13 to length.


More Angle Extrusion parts fab.  I worked on F14-13.  No pretty pictures.


I worked on the left and right rudder pedal angle.  It turns out I made a silly mistake.. Hey, everyone does it!  On one of the two parts, I forgot to subtract the radius of my edge finder in one axis.  So, as a result, one of the two lines of holes is shifted by 0.1inches.... Hey, it's less than an eighth of an inch!  No biggy :-P.  Sadly, this part will most likely need to be remade... Sad Chase.


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