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Note: There was 1 day of work in April, but I did not take any pictures :-(


Total Hours: 11.4

Hours Fabricating: 11.4

Fab Hours to Date: 626.2


July 19, 2015
Finished Deburring the Main sheer webs.  Started putting right spar together for final assembly
_07_19_shearweb_debur_small.jpg _07_19_start_cleco_right_spar_small.jpg _07_19_bolt_lower_spar_angle_small.jpg _07_19_lots_of_clecos_small.jpg _07_19_screw_right_spar_small.jpg
July 21, 2015
I borrowed a small torque wrench from the office to properly torque the AN-3 Bolts & Screws.  Once that was done, I began to prepare to start solid riveting.  I Cut 4" wood blocks to support the spar at the same level as the 4" bucking bar.  I loaded the first 13 solid rivets and started pounding.  I successfully pounded the first 13 solid rivets into the Right Spar!
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July 22, 2015
I continued pounding the Root Flush rivets on the Right Main Spar.  The specified rivets for the lower angle (AN426AD 5-12) Appear to be too long.  I set 3 bad rivets before this was fully recognized :-(... I will order some 5-11s and see if they work better :-)
_07_221_longrivetsbadset_small.jpg _07_222_morerivetpounding_small.jpg _07_223_thenightsrivets_small.jpg